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Age 32, Male


Joined on 7/27/07

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falz3333's News

Posted by falz3333 - September 30th, 2009


Posted by falz3333 - September 21st, 2009


it be cool! Just join and have fun

yo check out my new forum!

Posted by falz3333 - June 16th, 2009

i am posting this for the sake of crticism

We sat in a circle, clinging to each other's hands. I drew short breaths. My mind fluttered with thoughts and misgivings. I was also filled with skepticism and the idea that the seance was utterly silly. I am given brief instructions to kill the medium if things get out of hand via a short knife covered in, what looked like, a coat of oil.

One of the assistants dimmed the lights. I couldn't imagine why this was necessary but I complied. "This may take quite some time" the medium informed me. I wasn't exactly grateful to hear this news. A part of me just wanted to get it over with.

My neighbor squeezed my hand as the woman began chanting. Her words were beautiful, though I couldn't understand them. The language she spoke was quite odd. It was a wistful and forelorned dialogue. I thought I may want to learn the language given the chance. The chant continued. And on and on it could be heard like an echo. . . .

It had been maybe ten minutes when the lights began to brighten. I glanced at the light switch and saw that niether the assistant nor the light dial were moving. I was now, despite my better judgment, quite immersed in the belief that this was all real. My eyes darted to the four other members of the circle, all of whom were mouthing the chant with the medium. Before I new the lights were blinding. They were so bright I couldn't stand it.

The bulbs burst. The sparks settled and the only thing left was the shifting of my partners, the quickenning chant, and the now tight grips of my adjacent enthusiasts. I was most frightened by the fact that the medium seemed unnaffected by these obviously supernatural events.

The chanting ended. The voice was cut short as if a tape had been paused. The grip was now a painful grasp. Light appeared. An ambient light whose source I could not see. The medium was erect and still, with eyes closed. The assistants looked downward. I gazed at the calm face and thought of what horrors were swimming in that head of hers.

The eye lids slowly moved up at an alarmingly costant rate. I looked into the eyes of a demon. THE demon. The eyes stared into mine. I could think of nothing but the terror which rested on top of me. The grasps released but my hands did not move.

"I find it comforting that this wretched practice is slowly being forgotten" it spoke with the voice of one thousand toads. "Such an untidy and gruesome act you have commited."

to be continued

Posted by falz3333 - January 24th, 2009

My game is coming along very nicely. All the rules have been laid out along with the basic story arc. Now is when we get to the fun stuff. I'm still working on the prologue but it is fast and fun work. I'll probably be done with it by the end of the month. Eventually I plan on transferring it from pen and paper to actual code but that won't happen for years probably.

edit: due to a new development this game will be done in java. Just check out my game concept thread in the art forum if you desire more info.

My Game

Posted by falz3333 - October 11th, 2008

I got my tablet fixed! Well actually I got a new one for free cause of the automatic 1 year warranty. It's cool! I just started to continue the flash I was working on. This is the new scene. and yes i realize he is blowing the opposite way of the tree.

Still working!